Smart Mouthguard
Flexible Hybrid Electronics
Smart mouth guards can detect the threat of physical exhaustion and dehydration in athletes and warfighters, thanks to emerging flexible hybrid electronics technology. The flexible, plastic mouth guard is laden with sensors that can continuously monitor lactate concentrations in saliva and give early warning of imminent injury. The emerging...
NextFlex Workforce dev Sadie and Ryan
Flexible Hybrid Electronics, Workforce
A career in manufacturing is boring.

The perception that manufacturing means doing the same thing day after day, is wrong! In many manufacturing companies, there is a constant introduction of new products, new processes and new things to learn including the latest state of the art technology.

Manufacturing environments are old, dirty and dingy. ...
Profusa skin worn reader
Flexible Hybrid Electronics

Profusa had a vision for its Lumee™ Oxygen Platform to be used in patients with potential acute and/or chronic changes in tissue oxygen levels who may benefit from continuous monitoring.

Before it could be commercially available, Profusa had a key issue to resolve with the wearable reader of its injectable hydrogel sensor.

“Ten years ago, you...

Flexible Hybrid Electronics, Workforce

NextFlex, a Manufacturing USA institute focused on flexible hybrid electronics, hosted five high school interns for six weeks this summer in partnership with the Silicon Valley Organization’s Strive Internship program. Students came from a variety of schools across the San Jose Unified and East Side Unified High School Districts, representing grade...

Education, Flexible Hybrid Electronics, Workforce

When the yellow bus full of students approaches their destination, the excitement builds. Students from Dartmouth Middle School (San Jose, CA) had a great opportunity on Friday, November 9th, 2018, to be one of the first middle schools to visit the newly opened DuPont Silicon Valley Technology Center (SVTC) in Sunnyvale, CA. As the 7th and 8th...