Vote Manufacturing USA into SXSW 2024

Graphic asking views to "Vote Now" for two SXSW 2024 PanelPicker submissions


The annual South by Southwest (SXSW) conference offers attendees a view of the future. It celebrates innovation and technology and provides a forum for creative thinkers to discuss what’s next and learn about the resources that can help them build the future. 

Manufacturing USA has two proposals under consideration to present at SXSW 2024.

Part of the selection process for determining SXSW programming includes community voting. The Community Voting period is where the power of the Manufacturing USA network comes in! We need your votes to get our institute representatives and members to Austin in 2024. 


Community Voting closed August 20


Collaborate to Innovate: Re-Risking Deep Tech Startups

Graphic showing the four panelists for SXSW 2024 PanelPicker. Panel title: Collaborate to Innovate: De-Risking Deep Tech Startups.

While the U.S. leads the world in innovation and R&D spending, many discoveries are stranded in labs as companies struggle to invest in domestic development and production since lower cost options exist elsewhere. Learn how the 17 Manufacturing USA institutes are helping startups cross the “innovation valley of death” by accelerating and de-risking their technology development. Nufabrx, Intabio, Inc., and ARIS Technology have taken “leap-ahead” technologies through research, design, prototyping, and commercial production with support from the institutes and their innovation ecosystems.

Link to vote:


Reimagining Energy Use with Digital Technologies

Graphic depicting the four panelists for SXSW 2024 PanelPicker. Panel title: Reimagining Energy Use with Digital Technologies

Representing 30% of U.S. greenhouse gas emissions, the industrial sector is critical to achieving the nation’s climate goals. Digital technologies enable us to reimagine manufacturing processes and products to reduce energy use, decrease emissions, and eliminate waste: creating “circular economy” product flows; increasing energy efficiency through smart manufacturing; and employing digital capabilities in new ways to enhance sustainability. See how companies, government, and researchers collaborate to develop and deploy these technologies through the Manufacturing USA national initiative.

Link to vote: