Open Opportunities

Bioengineering, Biomanufacturing

BioMADE is now accepting submissions for projects that accelerate technology development related to mitigating the causes and consequences of global climate change through bioindustrial manufacturing. The Sustainable Logistics for Advanced Manufacturing (SLAM) Project Call focuses on:

Sustainable food production: Innovations in food production...


Manufacturing USA is a national network of manufacturing institutes established in 2014 by the multi-agency collaboration that guided its formation. Each Institute focuses on a specific manufacturing technology and the education of a skilled workforce to advance it and has the corresponding expertise, facilities, infrastructure and university and...

Closed Opportunities

Power Electronics, Smart Manufacturing

The complete 2018 Call for Projects document can be viewed here.

As noted on the cover page of the Call for Projects document, Concept Papers are due on Tuesday, October 9, 2018 at 9:00pm EDT. The Full Proposal submission deadline is Tueday, December 4, 2018 at 9:00pm EST.

Click here to submit your Call for Projects Concept Paper and Full Proposal...