Biofabrication, Lightweight Materials

Two Department of Defense manufacturing innovation institutes in the Manufacturing USA network have announced new women leaders. BioMADE, the DoD manufacturing innovation institute established in 2020, announced the hiring of its inaugural Chief Technology Officer, Melanie Tomczak. As CTO, Tomczak will develop, support, and oversee BioMADE...

Bioengineering, Biopharmaceutical, Cybersecurity, Fabrics, Health, Manufacturing, Photonics, Power Electronics, Process Intensification, Robotics, Synthetic Biology

The U.S. Department of Commerce’s National Institute of Standards and Technology (NIST) has awarded nearly $54 million in grants for 13 high-impact projects for research, development and testbeds for pandemic response. The funding, which was provided by the American Rescue Act, will support projects at eight manufacturing innovation institutes in...

One year ago, President Biden signed Executive Order 14017 directing an all-of-government approach to assessing vulnerabilities in – and strengthening the resilience of – the United States’ critical supply chains. Within six months of taking office, the Administration completed a comprehensive review of the supply chains for four critical products...

Education, Sustainability, Sustainable Manufacturing, Workforce

BioMADE, the Bioindustrial Manufacturing and Design Ecosystem, is awarding $5.8 million in federal funds to 16 innovative projects aimed at accelerating bioindustrial manufacturing knowledge, capabilities, and workforce in the U.S. These projects will leverage an additional $6.3 million in non-federal cost share, providing a significant boost to...

Collaboration, COVID-19, Emerging Technologies, Manufacturing, Supply Chain, Sustainability, Workforce

This past year brought the country and our world unprecedented challenges, which now present opportunities to innovate and build a new path forward. Using lessons from this year, the manufacturing industry is poised to undergo a transformation.

Supporting this work are the institutes that are part of Manufacturing USA®, a national network of public...