Education, Robotics, Workforce

A report by The Manufacturing Institute and Deloitte found that 4.6 million jobs will need to be filled in the U.S. manufacturing over the next decade, and 2.4 million jobs may be left open due to a lack of trained workers. That’s a lot of opportunity for U.S. students and workers! However, misconceptions about manufacturing careers often prevent...

Education, Robotics, Workforce

The ARM (Advanced Robotics for Manufacturing) Institute announced that two more educational organizations have been evaluated and selected to receive the ARM Endorsement for academic program excellence in robotics education for manufacturing. The ARM Institute launched its endorsement process earlier this year in conjunction with the launch of Rob...

Additive Manufacturing, Biopharmaceutical, Digital Manufacturing, Education, Flexible Hybrid Electronics, Photonics, Process Intensification, Recycling, Robotics, Workforce

The Advanced Robotics for Manufacturing (ARM) Institute, through a partnership with its fellow Manufacturing USA® Institutes and led by Nextflex®, has been awarded funding from the Office of Naval Research for new manufacturing workforce education activities. The ARM Institute has partnered with Pittsburgh-based members, New Century Careers and...

Education, Robotics, Workforce

Advanced Robotics for Manufacturing (ARM), a Manufacturing USA institutes, announces the selection of 11 new education and workforce development projects, awarded to members of its national consortium. Pending final negotiations, ARM plans to provide more than $2.2M in funding for a total investment of approximately $7.8M across the 11 projects.
