Education, Robotics, Workforce

Advanced Robotics for Manufacturing (ARM), a Manufacturing USA institutes, announces the selection of 11 new education and workforce development projects, awarded to members of its national consortium. Pending final negotiations, ARM plans to provide more than $2.2M in funding for a total investment of approximately $7.8M across the 11 projects.


Education, Robotics, Workforce

Advanced Robotics for Manufacturing (ARM) is proud to announce the selection of 8 technology projects and 6 education/workforce development projects resulting from ARM’s first formal project call announced in October 2017. These 14 projects have been selected for funding and will kick-off in the coming months, pending final contract negotiations.

Biomanufacturing, Education, Manufacturing, Workforce

ARMI | BioFabUSA ’s Education and Workforce Development (EWD) and the New Jersey Center for Biomaterials at Rutgers University have partnered to develop a survey for people in the regenerative manufacturing field that allows for identification of the skills that are essential for persons entering the tissue engineering and regenerative medicine...