Air Force Research Laboratory, or AFRL, senior general engineer and technical advisor Harry Pierson, far left, accepts the 2022 Defense Manufacturing Technology Achievement Award with the Advanced Robotics for Manufacturing, or ARM, Institute project team. From left: David Barron, Alex Klinger, Chris Adams, Shane Groves, Andy Strat, Nihad Alfaysale and Stuart Lawrence at the 2022 Defense Manufacturing Conference in Tampa, Florida, Dec. 6, 2022.
Defense, Robotics

The Air Force Research Laboratory , or AFRL, teamed with the Advanced Robotics for Manufacturing, or ARM, Institute to win the Defense Manufacturing Technology Achievement Award at the 2022 Defense Manufacturing Conference for the creation of an augmented reality-enabled cold spray robot, nicknamed “ARRI.”

The new system, used to apply thermal...

Automation, Education, Robotics, Workforce

With Veteran’s Day upon us, I’m reminded Veterans often possess the technical aptitude to flourish in advanced manufacturing careers. They also have a strong work ethic, team spirit, and communication skills needed for successful outcomes. One way to express gratitude for and support veterans is to provide opportunities and pathways to well-paid...

Flexible Hybrid Electronics, Photonics, Re-manufacturing, Robotics

Their work could spring from the minds of sci-fi writers Octavia Butler or Isaac Asimov, but everything done at R&D institutes focused on electronics engineering is real.

The smattering of innovate R&D institutes EE Times surveyed this fall are compressing the two-year timeline of Moore’s Law to six months: they are lightweighting aircraft by...

Education, Robotics, Workforce

The Advanced Robotics for Manufacturing (ARM) Institute, the nation’s leading robotics and artificial intelligence manufacturing innovation institute, has opened a satellite office in St. Petersburg.

“St. Petersburg is a perfect fit for us, with the state’s focus on the manufacturing industry and the city’s emphasis on specialized manufacturing...

Machine Design

While manufacturing is a global enterprise, there are success stories around like manufacturers settling in a given region. The auto industry in Detroit is one historic example, but other regions have continued to develop areas of expertise in particular technologies, supported by regional or state government, education and manufacturers.

A new...