Education, Manufacturing Jobs, Workforce

Based on a study conducted by the Manufacturing Institute and Deloitte , it is projected that by 2030, the manufacturing skills gap could lead to approximately 2.1 million unfilled jobs in the U.S. For over a decade, the manufacturing industry has struggled to find qualified workers and without education and intervention, this shortfall will...

Cybersecurity, Education, Workforce

MxD says training course will address forecasted worker shortage by teaching digital manufacturing roles to overcome an aging workforce, disrupted supply chains, cyber threats.

Chicago-based Manufacturing x Digital, known by its acronym MxD, said the federal funding would launch its Curriculum and Pathways Integrating Technology and Learning...

Education, Workforce

The Biden-Harris Administration submitted to Congress the President’s Budget for fiscal year 2024. President Biden’s 2024 Budget for the Department of Commerce makes historic investments to drive U.S. innovation and global competitiveness, foster inclusive capitalism and equitable economic growth, address the climate crisis, and expand opportunity...

Additive Manufacturing, Education, Workforce

Youngstown East is one of only three high schools in the country selected to be part of a pilot program to teach students advanced manufacturing -- because manufacturing no longer means large buildings with assembly lines. Advanced manufacturing means learning about robots and 3D printing.

CEO Krish Mohip and teacher Jim Alexi explained the...