Education, Re-manufacturing, Recycling, Workforce

A national institute, led in part by Rochester Institute of Technology , this week is hosting the inaugural REMADE Circular Economy Technology Summit and Conference in Washington, D.C., showcasing promising strategies and technologies for accelerating the adoption of a circular economy .

REMADE Institute , a 170-member public-private partnership...

Education, Photonics, Workforce

The Department of Defense’s (DoD) partnerships with leading companies like Raytheon Technologies, Lockheed Martin, and General Dynamics have replaced aging military vehicles and upgraded existing technology and collaborative tools. While these partnerships are critical to the safety and performance of military personnel, the DoD also has a long...

Education, Workforce

The Biden-Harris Administration submitted to Congress the President’s Budget for fiscal year 2024. President Biden’s 2024 Budget for the Department of Commerce makes historic investments to drive U.S. innovation and global competitiveness, foster inclusive capitalism and equitable economic growth, address the climate crisis, and expand opportunity...

Photo of an ACE employee.
Industry Today
Education, Manufacturing, Workforce

For decades, young adults believed that the ticket to success was a college degree. As a result, interest in the skilled trades declined. We are now paying the price for that shift with a shortage of skilled workers at a time when they are more critical than ever.

While the need for these workers is widespread, American manufacturing in particular...

Education, Sustainable Manufacturing, Workforce

The now ubiquitous terms Industry 4.0 and Smart Manufacturing are effectively synonyms capturing the convergence of technologies that have progressed at an exponential pace over the last several decades. Around 2011, Europe and its industrial base began releasing a strategy for the next industrial revolution, dubbed “Industry 4.0.”

At least five...