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Manufacturing Can Secure America’s Future

Photo: Courtesy of Chris Ralston

Manufacturing — the very thing that built this nation holds the key to our country’s future. The products that shape our lives, also drive the economy.

The impact of manufacturing

U.S. manufacturing contributes $2.25 trillion to the economy each year, provides more than 12 million careers with average salary and benefits above $80,000/year and is a key source of innovation. Manufacturers perform more than 75 percent of the nation’s private sector research and development.

However, there are two alarming trends in manufacturing that cannot be ignored. Many U.S.-based scientific research discoveries and inventions are made into products abroad. Also, every year since 2012, the U.S. imports more advanced manufacturing technology products than it exports. The demand for manufacturing workers exceeds the supply.

Manufacturing USA is a national initiative created to tackle these challenges. Through this program, manufacturers of all sizes, academic institutions and government entities work together on advanced manufacturing technologies and workforce development.

Advancing American innovation

The 14 Manufacturing USA institutes focus on advanced manufacturing technologies to accelerate U.S. manufacturing innovation. The institutes and partners work to ensure that American discoveries and innovations are developed to benefit products made by American workers.

Transforming our way of life

Advanced manufacturing enables novel, life-changing products like: smart bandages that measure and manage oxygen levels to promote faster healing; lightweight, energy-efficient cars that cost less to own and operate; biopharmaceuticals made from our own biological materials to treat cancer and autoimmune diseases; and engineered tissues and regenerative medicines that can save lives.

There are also manufacturing breakthroughs in robotics, 3D printing, digital cybersecurity, photonics, silicon carbide devices and networked-fibers that strengthen our nation’s energy, defense and security infrastructure.

Building the Future Workforce

Manufacturing USA is on a mission to reach and teach the next generation of innovators and provide the current workforce with the new tools and training needed to capitalize on the opportunities that advanced manufacturing careers offer. As part of Manufacturing USA’s commitment to build and empower the U.S. advanced manufacturing sector, the institutes and their community partners will continue to employ a variety of education and workforce development programs and initiatives.

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